How to Store a Stroller in a Garage? (Actionable Tips 2024)

Every beginning has an end. At inception, your baby needs a stroller to enjoy its ride, and it would also be beneficial for you to commute. However, when your baby outgrows the stroller, or you buy a new one, then the old one must be stored somewhere in the garage safely. Where you need to get on the ball while purchasing a pram, it also demands your careful attention to store it in a garage when not in use. Here, I am going to tell you the exact way to store a pram in a garage which I followed back when we are in no need of that bulky pram.

Steps to Follow to Store a Stroller in a Garage:

By following the below-mentioned steps, you can store your stroller for a long duration without getting it damaged. Let’s have a look at all the steps and check what we will have to do before getting a pram stored in the garage;

Clean, Dry, And Disinfect

The very first step, when your mind touches the idea of storing a pram, is to clean the stroller. It takes time to clean the pram; however, it is the safest way to follow.

You can check, how to deep clean a stroller.

Having cleaned a pram, dry it up under the sun. A wet pram may get rusty over time. Moreover, the damp seat starts smelling stinky after getting stored.

The last step is to disinfect all the parts of a pram with any disinfectant spray.

Detach and Fold

Having cleaned the stroller, now it’s time to detach/remove all the parts of the pram. Keep in mind that detach only those parts which can be assembled easily later on.

By removing the wheels, seat, canopy, and storage basket, you can store the pram in a relatively smaller space. After removing different stroller parts, fold the frame properly.

Stroller Cover

It might be the last step to store a pram. Different stroller covers are available in the market. You can use any of those covers for this purpose.

The Stroller cover helps to store a pram for a long period without getting it dusty and dirty.

Accessible Location

It might be the most overlooked point while putting a pram in the garage. Always choose a place for stroller storage in the garage that can be easily accessible.

Sometimes, parents store a pram in such a place that demands sweaty efforts to access it when they need a stroller for their kids.

Various Other Ideas to Store a Stroller

Aside from putting your stroller in a garage, there are several other ideas that can be used to store a pram.

Car Trunk: Other than a garage, you can store a pram in a car trunk. For safety, you can use bungee cords to bind the stroller. For detailed information, you can check, how to keep a pram from sliding in a trunk.

Use of Door: By using a pram cover, you can hand the pram on the door. It won’t take a large space to be stored.

Under the Bed: There is ample space under the bed, and you can use it to put your pram under it. However, it won’t be considered an easily accessible place.

Greenhouse: Greenhouses can also be used to store a stroller and other small items.


I followed all the steps mentioned above to store a pram in a garage and found the pram safe after years. If you do something extra to store your stroller, please do mention it in the comment box. For relevant queries, you can use the comment box also. Thank you. Stay Blessed.


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